Press Release: Gun Transfer Launches Revolutionary Online Background Check for Used Gun Sales

What is Gun Transfer?
Gun Transfer provides an online background check service to make transferring gun ownership easy and safe. “Gun Transfer will keep firearms out of the hands of criminals, which will reduce the risk of mass shootings and other gun-related crimes in America,” said Randall Gorham, the Founder of Gun Transfer.
How does Gun Transfer work?
The Gun Transfer background check process is fast and easy. Buyers and sellers simply enter information about the firearm and their own identification into Gun Transfer’s secure online system. A comprehensive background check is then conducted to verify the buyer’s eligibility to purchase and possess a firearm. Once the check is completed, both the seller and the buyer are issued a digital bill of sale, providing documented evidence of the transfer and safeguarding both parties involved.
Why is Gun Transfer important?
With over 15 million used gun transfers performed each year, Gun Transfer’s new service is poised to make a significant impact in preventing firearms from falling into the wrong hands. By providing a reliable and efficient background check service, Gun Transfer contributes to keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals, thereby reducing the risk of mass shootings and other gun-related crimes and ultimately, saving lives!
How much does Gun Transfer cost?
Priced at just $50 per gun transfer, Gun Transfer provides an affordable means to promote peace of mind and contribute to the preservation of lives—a value that surpasses its nominal cost. The service guarantees that individuals have taken the necessary steps to keep guns out of the possession of criminals and ensure legal compliance.
Who can benefit from Gun Transfer?
Gun Transfer firmly believes that its service appeals to a wide range of political perspectives, offering a common-sense solution to the complex issue of gun violence. By facilitating legal and safe gun transfers, the service bridges the gap between advocates for stricter gun laws and proponents of the right to bear arms. Together, we can work towards reducing gun violence in America.
Where can I find more information about Gun Transfer?
For more information about Gun Transfer launches and to conduct a background check for your next used gun transfer, visit today.
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